Turing Labs officially changes its name to MSA Turing Labs and makes a strong entry into the metaverse

The Financial Times (FT) – Turing Labs, a leading local research organisation, has completed a change in its business information and officially changed its name to MSA Turing Labs, sparking widespread interest in the industry. Throughout the years, Turing Labs has been deeply involved in the field of computer science and digital cryptography, and has released RNG algorithms, digital asset management systems, as well as edge computing, AI and other related technologies and literature results, the meaning behind this name change has led to public speculation.

It is understood that MSA, known as Meta Space Alliance (MSA), is a meta-universe ecological application alliance led by Atlantic Ecology Co., Ltd. The aim is to explore the application scenarios of metaverse ecology through technological means, translate advanced R&D results and accelerate the advent of metaverse era.

With the impact of the global epidemic and economic downturn in the general environment, countries have invested huge funds and technologies to deploy meta-universe & Web 3.0 core technology research and development, vigorously develop the development of the digital economy, create a digital powerhouse and compete for the dominant position in the digital economy era.

The term Metaverse is used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the Internet consisting of shared, 3D virtual space-linked, perceptible virtual worlds. The Metaverse can be broadly understood as a more immersive, participatory Internet. In the public information of MSA, it is shown that MSA meta-universe inherits the six characteristics of continuity, connectability, real-time, creativity, compatibility and economic attributes, while pioneering the integration of NFT and P2E mechanisms, the latter of which is a business kernel belonging to the characteristic of the chain game that has been hot in the circle recently. With the addition of innovative and interesting gameplay, MSA meta-universe is expected to embark on the journey of breaking the circle.

MSA ecological vision is to create a shared, autonomous value network that acts as a bridging hub for the metaverse ecology. Previously, MSA had already laid out many technology fields such as AR/VR, artificial intelligence and cloud computing, network communication, etc., and had completed the building of the overall ecology and technology reserve. The technology alliance between MSA and Turing Labs, on the one hand, is an important milestone event to leverage and transform the rich technical achievements of the labs in the blockchain field over the years to further accelerate the pace of exploration in the metaverse era, and also an important milestone event for the alliance to step into the metaverse field and realize the virtual digital world on the ground.

In the course of exploring the combination of technology and business, Meta Space Alliance meta-universe space alliance by introducing decentralized financial models such as DeFi, P2E. With GameFi as the gateway to exploring the metaverse and NFT as the universal credential for both virtual and real, a “metaverse” combining the real and the virtual is unprecedented in human history. The Meta Space meta-universe space alliance will not only give a strong impetus to the progress of human civilisation in the real world, but will also shine a light on the development of the digital economy for the next hundred years.